Monday, October 10, 2011

~Waywayanda State Park, NJ~

~Waywayanda State Park, NJ~


  1. Here's my favorite spot where I feel connected with nature. Walking in this park with my dog renews my spirit, calms me and essentially makes me want to stay there forever. The leaves have made their changes here already. The beautiful hues of red, amber, orange and still some green provide a breathtaking view. I find the sound of water very soothing. Jasmine and I are enjoying sitting on the rocks near the stream and getting lost in the sound of the roaring water fall. Driving back to civilization after being in this tranquil spotmakes me a little sad. Hope you can get the link to this video.

  2. We were just there today at the WMASS Walk-a-dog-a-thon! It was a beautiful day! Sunny met a lot of different dogs.

    I want those cookies that are staring me in the face!

    BTW I love your Blog site - so festive!

    Love your sis
