Friday, December 2, 2011

Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree, How lovely are.......

 the ones I have been passing by the highway.  Wow, could I be so anal that I now have tree envy?  Well, I pride myself on having a beautifully decorated tree with an annual theme.  So much so that I have been accused of ruining Christmas because I have to have the tree decorated by a mathematical standard, certain number of ornaments, combinations, locations and it must be a tall thin tree.  I change the location where the kids put the ornaments if they are off or not according to the plan.  I know I am horrible, but I came up with a solution many years back. HAVE TWO TREES! Yay, problem solved.  I call the kids tree the Accumulation Tree.  Every year, the kids each choose a new ornament ( no matching) and the decorations have increased in number over the years.  I try not to assist, choose light color or placement.  I am so proud of myself for not getting in on their tree.  Now, as I pass by the lots, I see the tree(s) I would have chosen.  Why is it, they all look extra beautiful this year?  I know, because I have tree envy and really dislike the tree we got.  All sorts of clandestine tree swapping scenarios have gone through my mind. Do you think anyone will notice if I swap out the prickly spruce with a nice soft frasier?