Friday, December 2, 2011

Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree, How lovely are.......

 the ones I have been passing by the highway.  Wow, could I be so anal that I now have tree envy?  Well, I pride myself on having a beautifully decorated tree with an annual theme.  So much so that I have been accused of ruining Christmas because I have to have the tree decorated by a mathematical standard, certain number of ornaments, combinations, locations and it must be a tall thin tree.  I change the location where the kids put the ornaments if they are off or not according to the plan.  I know I am horrible, but I came up with a solution many years back. HAVE TWO TREES! Yay, problem solved.  I call the kids tree the Accumulation Tree.  Every year, the kids each choose a new ornament ( no matching) and the decorations have increased in number over the years.  I try not to assist, choose light color or placement.  I am so proud of myself for not getting in on their tree.  Now, as I pass by the lots, I see the tree(s) I would have chosen.  Why is it, they all look extra beautiful this year?  I know, because I have tree envy and really dislike the tree we got.  All sorts of clandestine tree swapping scenarios have gone through my mind. Do you think anyone will notice if I swap out the prickly spruce with a nice soft frasier?


  1. That's such a cute idea! We usually put our tree up on Christmas Eve because everything just gets so hectic. We have a fake tree because my mother has heard horror stories about real trees, so we've always had fake ones. Is your kids' tree fake or real? And what's the theme for this year's tree? Enjoy the break!!! :)

  2. I love the photos that you have placed on your blog. You have given all of us a great insight into your life and your interests. It has been a pleasure to have had you in class. Enjoy the Christmas holidays and all the best to you in 2012. Please keep in touch. Dr. Ries

  3. You are too funny! I have never heard of anyone decorating their tree according to a theme but that I think it is a wonderful idea. I feel like when I am older and have my own place I will be very OCD about my xmas decorating. I hope you keep us updated and put pictures on your blog of your tree.
