Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Where to find the time.... warning, it's a rant

I absolutely hate having day classes, for so many reasons.  First and foremost, I have come to the home stretch in my senior year, which by the way I have been for several years.  The classes needed are few, far between and sometimes offered all at the same time. 

This semester was one of those situations.  I had to choose which evening class to take when three of the ones I needed were all on the same night.  Ok, then, take them during the day.  Well, I never took day classes, for one, my husband and I are running a business, he in the field, I in the office, and occasionally in the field.(No one to cover)  On some of the slower days, I would substitute teach, do my hours and have my homework during the office hours.  Two days a week in class, and an early evening class is killing my homework time, business time and homework is now attempted when my children get home from school.  I leave here and make it just as the bus is pulling up at the stop.  This leaves no time for an occasional stop at the food store before.  It is important to me to be there for my children while they are doing their homework and be available to take them to their activities.  Parents must be on top of everything. 

With one computer for both home and business, it's pretty rough for everything to get finished.  So what does a mom do, she does hers last, with hopes and prayers it makes sense at 1:00 a.m in the morning.  Then, I pray I hear the 5:15 alarm to get everyone up and fed and out the door on time.  Just wish I was only going to evening classes.  Oh, well, hopefully this will all be over before it gets too rough.  I really miss subbing when things were slow, but having to cram one week into 2.5 days is virtually impossible.  I need a vacation!!!

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya! There's never enough time for homework. I put it off day after day because helping the kids with there's is far more important. I felt guilty the other day when Sarah said, "mommy you're the best cause you always make time for me and show me how to do things". I told her thank you, but it's not enough, I wish that I could do more things with you all the time. I want to teach her how to cook and do all the fun things, like have her create and decorate cakes like Cake Boss so that I can get her started on her dream. The time goes so fast and the weekends are taken over by me doing my homework.
    We are almost there! Hang in there...remember, we've been through worse and have come out on top!
